Size Exclusion Chromatography Tailored to Antibody Analysis

New UHPLC columns are setting benchmarks for the analysis of aggregates and fragments

TSKgel SW size exclusion columns – the industry’s workhorse for aggregate analysis - continue to set standards for the UHPLC separation of antibody fragments, monomers, and aggregates. Tosoh Bioscience is introducing 2 micron UHPLC columns, tailored to antibody analysis. 


Size Exclusion Chromatography Tailored to Antibody Analysis

TSKgel SW size exclusion columns – the industry’s workhorse for aggregate analysis - continue to set standards for the UHPLC separation of antibody fragments, monomers, and aggregates. Tosoh Bioscience is introducing 2 micron UHPLC columns, tailored to antibody analysis. 

TSKgel UP-SW3000, the new 2 µm UHPLC column with the same pore size as the well-known TSKgel G3000SWXL column, enables an easy transfer of SEC methods, which have been developed on conventional gel filtration columns, to UHPLC analysis. The 15 cm long column is used to shorten analysis time while maintaining resolution while the 30 cm column delivers dramatically increased resolution between fragments, monomers, and aggregates. 

For higher mass ranges, TSKgel UltraSW Aggregate offers a slightly larger pore size at 3 micron particle size. This column provides a very good separation of antibody dimers and higher aggregates. 

TSKgel UP-SW, SuperSW, and UltraSW particles are based on highly porous, ultra-pure silica particles, the surface of which has been shielded from interacting with proteins by applying a proprietary surface chemistry. This ensures highest recoveries and accurate quantitation. TSKgel SW columns stand out from other silica-based high performance size exclusion columns by virtue of their large pore volumes. The validated manufacturing and packing process ensures a reliable batch-to-batch reproducibility.