Discover TsKgel HiLic soLuTions for HPLc
The TSKgel hILIC porTfoLIo, IS a SeLeCTIon of STabLe, SILICa baSed hILIC phaSeS SuITed for a varIeTy
of appLICaTIonS. To fInd ouT more abouT our TSKgel CoLumnS vISIT
TSKgel amIde-80 - no.1 for gLyCo-mappIng
SmaLL parTICLe SIzeS for hIgh effICIenCy
TSKgel nh2-100 - robuST amIno bonded phaSe
vIrTuaL abSenCe of bLeedIng, IdeaL for mS