MiniChrom for toyopearl and TSKgel
TOYOPEARL and TSKgel media re now available in the well-known 5 mL
MiniChom format (8 mm ID x 100 mm) for parameter screening, method
optimization and/or small scale purifications. The 5 mL MiniChrom
columns are the ideal tools to further optimize the purification method
and to confirm the operational window after having selected a resin
for a certain purification task by resin screening, e.g. with ToyoScreen
cartridges on conventional LC systems or by high throughput screening
using RoboColumns on robobotic workstations.
MiniChrom columns are made of biocompatible polyethylene and
polypropylene. Each column is individually packed under optimum
compression, ensuring consistent experimental results. The columns
can be connected directly to any laboratory liquid chromatography
system via standard connectors (M10-32 for 1/16’’ tubing) and are ready
for equilibration in the buffer of choice. Two columns can be connected
in series to increase the bed height in order to model real conditions in
pilot scale or for scale- down experiments.
MiniChrom columns for TOYOPEARL and TSKgel are packed by
Atoll GmbH and are available with a broad range of ion exchange,
hydrophobic interaction, mixed-mode, and Protein A affinity resins.
Figure 1 shows the mixed-mode separation of a monoclonal antibody
and its aggregates on a 5 mL MiniChrom MX-Trp-650M column.
figure 6
Mixed-mode separation on MiniChrom MX-Trp-650M
Column: MiniChrom MX-Trp-650M, 8 mm ID x10 cm L, 5 mL
Mobile phase: A: 100 mmol/L acetate buffer (pH 4.3) + 200 mmol/L NaCl, B: 100
mmol/L acetate buffer (pH 5.6) + 500 mmol/L NaCl;
Flow rate: 150 cm/h; Gradient: 5 CV 100% A, 50 CV linear gradient from 100%
A to 100% B
Sample: 5 mL monoclonal antibody 5 mg/mL
5 mL aggregated monoclonal antibody (1 h, pH 2.7 @ RT) 5 mg/L
Pre-packed with TOYOPEARL or TSKgel media
Ready to use with any LC system
Common column format (5 mL, 8 x 100 mm)
Ideal for method optimization and small scale purifications
Reliable packing quality
Reproducible results