11th HIC/DSP Bioseparation Conference
The 11th HIC/DSP Bioseparation Conference will be held on February 18-21, 2019 at the Hotel Royal-St. George in Interlaken, Switzerland.
11th HIC/DSP Bioseparation Conference February 18.-21, 2019 in Interlaken, Switzerland
The HIC/DSP conference is providing a platform to better understand the chromatographic isolation and purification of biological targets. From basic theory to industrial scale purification, recognized professionals will share their expertise and experiences on all aspects of chromatographic separation and process design for biomolecules. The practical elements of chromatographic development and implementation will be balanced by discussions about novel approaches and theories.
We are very proud that Professor Dr. Alois Jungbauer, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Science (BOKU), Vienna, Austria will be the head of the scientific committee.