TSKgel UP-SW Columns
The TSKgel UP-SW product line consists of three columns differing in pore size, which allows for the analysis of small to very large molecular weight biopharma products. Available in 4.6 mm ID x 15 and 30 cm lengths, TSKgel UP-SW columns are compatible with both UHPLC and HPLC systems and require less sample while delivering higher sensitivity compared to 7.8 mm ID TSKgel SEC columns.
The TSKgel UP-SW columns are:
TSKgel UP-SW2000, 12.5 nm pore size, for analysis of small proteins, peptides and oligonucleotides More »
TSKgel UP-SW3000, 25 nm pore size, analysis of mAb monomer and antibody fragments More »
TSKgel UP-SW3000-LS, 25 nm pore size, analysis of mAbs and other biopharmaceuticals, optimized for advanced detection methods More »
TSKgel UP-SW Aggregate, 30 nm pore size, for analysis of very large proteins and high order mAb aggregates More »
As shown in the figure, the calibration curves show differing slopes that create distinct separation ranges for each of the columns within the TSKgel UP-SW product line. The calibration curve for the TSKgel UP-SW2000 column is similar to that of the TSKgel G2000SWXL column curve, implying a better resolution of small proteins, peptides and oligonucleotides. The TSKgel UP-SW3000 column shows a shallower slope around the molecular weight region of γ-globulin, making this column ideal for the analysis of monoclonal antibodies. The UP-SW Aggregate column demonstrates the shallowest slope of the calibration curve of proteins up to the high molecular weight region.
Calibration curves of standard proteins
Column: A. TSKgel UP-SW2000, 2 µm, 4.6 mm ID × 30 cm B. TSKgel UP-SW3000, 2 µm, 4.6 mm ID × 30 cm C. TSKgel UP-SW Aggregate, 3 µm, 4.6 mm ID × 30 cm Mobile phase: 100 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer, pH 6.7, + 100 mmol/L sodium sulfate + 0.05 % sodium azide Flow rate: 0.35 mL/min Detection: UV @ 280 nm Temperature: 25 °C Injection vol.: 10 μL Samples: 1. thyroglobulin (MW 640,000) (1'. thyroglobulin dimer) 2. γ - globulin (MW 155,000) (2'. γ - globulin dimer) 3. ovalbumin (MW 47,000) 4. ribonuclease A (MW 13,700) 5. p - amino benzoic acid (MW 137) |