TSKgel SuperAWM-H
The TSKgel SuperAWM-H mixed bed column has an extended linear calibration range and is suitable for samples with a broad molar mass distribution, as well as samples with unknown molar mass.
This column is packed with small, rigid, porous polymer beads which show minimal shrinkage or swelling in polar organic solvents (methanol, acetonitrile, DMSO, isopropanol, THF, and HFIP). The SuperAWM-H semi-micro GPC column is stable in a wide variety of organic solvents at concentrations up to 100%.
The main application area for the TSKgel SuperAWM-H column is the analyses of polymers that are soluble in polar organic solvents greater than 10 x 10^6 Da. Examples include cellulose derivatives, polyimide, and sodium dodecylsulfate (all in 10 mmol/L LiBr in DMF).
The small particle size of 4 µm and the narrow 6 mm inner diameter of the TSKgel SuperAWM-H column provide higher sensitivity in sample-limited cases and to cut down on solvent use. It is important to employ an HPLC system that is optimized with regards to extra-column band broadening to take full advantage of the high column efficiency that can be obtained on TSKgel SuperAW columns.
Calibration Curves TSKgel SuperAW Columns

Column: TSKgel SuperAW columns, 6.0 mm ID × 15 cm
Mobile phase: A. H2O
B. MeOH containing 10 mmol/L LiBr
C. DMF containing 10 mmol/L LiBr
Flow rate: 0.6 mL/min
Detection: RI
Samples: polyethylene oxide (PEO), polyethylene glycol (PEG),
and ethylene glycol (EG) standards
Analysis of sodium chondroitin sulfate

Column: TSKgel SuperAWM-H, 9 µm, 6.0 mm ID × 15 cm × 2
Mobile phase: H2O with 0.2 mol/L sodium nitrate
Flow rate: 0.6 mL/min
Detection: RI
Temperature: 25°C
Inject.Vol.: 5 µL (2.5 g/L)
Samples: polyethylene oxide (PEO), polyethylene glycol (PEG),
and ethylene glycol (EG) standards