TSKgel HIC-ADC Columns

TSKgel® HIC-ADC columns – for antibody-drug-conjugate (ADC) analysis

The name gives it away: TSKgel HIC-ADC columns are hydrophobic interaction chromatography columns designed for the analysis of Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs). Tosoh has developed a new particle construction to achieve exceptional separation of variably conjugated ADC variants. This next-generation breakthrough in non-porous particle technology makes DAR analysis more reliable and improves separation efficiency. The TSKgel HIC-ADC columns set a new industry standard with respect to the following characteristics.

    • Superior separation performance
    • Fast analyses (e.g. DAR determination in 7 minutes)
    • Reliability and lifetime
    • Ligand selection for diverse molecules: Phenyl (high hydrophobicity),
      Butyl (mid hydrophobicity)

The columns simplify method development and tech-transfer processes for DAR analyses, enhancing both the accuracy and efficiency of Quality Control processes, and enabling the highest quality standards in ADC analysis.

Specifications and technical details

Base material: Polymeric (polymethacrylate)
Pore size (mean):  Non-porous
Separation mechanism: Hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC)
Functional group: Butyl, Phenyl
pH stability: 2.0-12.0
Organic concentration: 0 – 50%
Temperature: 10-60 °C
Dimensions: 4.6 mm ID × 3.5 cm L and 4.6 mm ID × 10 cm L,
guard column available (4.6 mm ID x 5 mm L)

Separation performance of the HIC-ADC columns

The most important prerequisite to determining the Drug-Antibody-Ratio (DAR) in ADCs is maximum resolution between different payload variants. Individual peak areas can then be determined and used to calculate the average DAR. The columns were benchmarked against other commercially available HIC columns, as well. The TSKgel HIC-ADC Butyl column demonstrates the superior resolution particularly of high DARs while the TSKgel HIC-ADC-Phenyl column is particularly suited for low hydrophobic species.

Separation performance of TSKgel HIC-ADC columns in comparison to other commercial HIC columns.

HIC-ADC Comparison 6

An ADC mimic was analyzed by HIC-ADC using the following conditions:

Columns TSKgel HIC-ADC Phenyl, TSKgel HIC-ADC Butyl, Commercial HIC Columns (4.6 mm I.D. × 10 cm)
Mobile Phase A 0.1mol/L Phosphate Buffer pH 7.0 +1.0 mol/L Ammonium Sulfate
Mobile Phase B 0.1 mol/L Phosphate Buffer pH 7.0 / Isopropanol (70/30, v/v)
Gradient 0 min (0%B), 1 min (0%B) → 15 min (100%B)
Flow rate 0.5 mL/min
Detection UV @ 215 nm
Temperature 25℃
Injection volume 20 μL
Sample 0.5 mg/mL ADC Mimic (Sigma)

Ordering information

P/N Description Particle size Dimensions
0023538 TSKgel HIC-ADC Butyl 5 µm 4.6 mm ID x 3.5 cm L
0023539 TSKgel HIC-ADC Butyl 5 µm 4.6 mm ID x 10 cm L
0023543 TSKgel guardcol. HIC-ADC Butyl 5 µm 4.6 mm ID x 0.5 cm L
0023536 TSKgel HIC-ADC Phenyl 5 μm 4.6 mm x 3.5 cm L
0023537 TSKgel HIC-ADC Phenyl 5 μm 4.6 mm x 10 cm L
0023542 TSKgel guardcol. HIC-ADC Phenyl 5 μm 4.6 mm x 0.5 cm L