TSKgel Protein A 5-PW

TSKgel Protein A-5PW 

The TSKgel Protein A-5PW column has been designed for the rapid separation and robust quantification of a variety of antibodies. Monoclonal antibodies from harvested cell culture media can be captured and accurately quantitated in less than 2 minutes per injection. The column can be used for more than 2,000 injections without regeneration or cleaning.

Packed with hydroxylated methacrylic polymer beads, the TSKgel Protein A-5PW column is designed with a high degree of crosslinking, which allows high flow rate for chromatography while still maintaining chromatographic efficiency, peak width and resolution. The recombinant protein A ligand is a code-modified hexamer of the C domain. An enhanced rProtein A ligand is bound to the TSKgel 5PW base bead via multipoint attachment resulting in excellent base stability in 0.1 mol/L NaOH.

The wide range loading capacity of the TSKgel Protein A-5PW column can accurately determine the titer of mAb at various stages of cell culture media processing. The low level of protein A leaching makes this column a good candidate for small scale purification of mAbs for initial characterization.


Rapid separation of IgG from impurities 


Column:                  TSKgel Protein A-5PW, 20 µm, 4.6 mm ID × 3.5 cm
Binding buffer:       20 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4
Elution buffer:        20 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer, pH 2.5
Stepwise gradient:  0 – 0.5 min: binding buffer
                                  0.5 – 1.1 min: elution buffer
                                  1.1 – 2.0 min: binding buffer
Flow rate:                2 mL/min
Detection:                UV @ 280 nm
Sample:                   20 µL of CHO cell culture supernatant spiked with
                                 polyclonal IgG (0.5 mg/mL)


Wide dynamic range with high sample concentration load 




Pore size  100 nm 
Particle size  20 µm
pH stability  2.5 - 12
Exclusion limit  1,000 kDa
Ligand  Recombinant protein A,
hexamer of c domain 
Ligand density  0.9 - 1.0 g/l gel 


Ordering Information

P/N  Description  Dimension 
0023483  TSKgel Protein A-5PW  4.6 mm ID x 3.5 cm L