TOYOPEARL HW-40 is a hydroxylated methacrylic polymer with a small pore size of 5 nm (50 A) for size exclusion chromatography of biomolecules. It is typically used for high throughput desalting and buffer exchange. It also can remove surfactants such as Triton X100 from protein solutions. It is often used for smaller biomolecules with exclusion limits up to 10,000 Da.

TOYOPEARL HW-40 is available in three particle sizes, 30 µm (S-grade), 45 µm (F-grade), and 75µm (C-grade). This resin is also available in pre-packed SkillPak columns to simplify your process development and scale up.

Structure of TOYOPEARL HW Resins 



Comparison of resolution on different particle sizes of TOYOPEARL HW-55 resin 

Resin:              TOYOPEARL HW-55
Column size:   26 mm ID × 70 cm
Mobile phase: 33.3 mmol/L phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, 0.2 mol/L NaCI
Flow rate:       20 cm/hr (1.77 mL/min)
Detection:       UV @ 280 nm
Temperature: 25 °C
Injection vol.: 1 mL
Samples:         1. thyroglobulin (0.3%), 2. gamma-globulin (0.3%),
                         3. β-lactoglobulin (0.3%), 4. cytochrome C (0.1%)



Ordering Information

P/N Description Dimension
0019807 TOYOPEARL HW-40C 150 mL
0007449 TOYOPEARL HW-40C 500 mL
0014683 TOYOPEARL HW-40C 1 L
0007969 TOYOPEARL HW-40C 5 L
0019808 TOYOPEARL HW-40F 150 mL
0007448 TOYOPEARL HW-40F 500 mL
0014682 TOYOPEARL HW-40F 1 L
0007968 TOYOPEARL HW-40F 5 L
0019809 TOYOPEARL HW-40S 150 mL
0007451 TOYOPEARL HW-40S 250 mL
0014681 TOYOPEARL HW-40S 1 L
0007967 TOYOPEARL HW-40S 5 L
0045223 SkillPak 1 HW-40F 5 x 1 mL col. 7 mm ID x 2.5 cm L
0045260 SkillPak 5 HW-40F 5 mL col. 8 mm ID x 10 cm L
0045300 SkillPak 50 HW-40F 50 mL col. 2.5 cm ID x 10 cm L
0045301 SkillPak 200 HW-40F 200 mL col. 5 cm ID x 10 cm L