Radius of Gyration Below 10 nm

Radius of Gyration below 10 nm

System & Columns
EcoSEC GPC System with RI detector
LenS3 Multi-Angle Light Scattering detector
1 × TSKgel GMHHR-H (7.8 mm ID × 30 cm)

LALS (red), RALS (blue) and HALS (green) signals with baselines and integration limits for PS 40K standard


Measured values of radius of gyration, Rg,z, of PS standards
Sample Mw Rg,z Literature values*
PS 100K 100,400 12.0 13.2
PS 40K  40,800  7.6  8.1
PS 30K  30,100  6.6  6.8
PS 20K  18,600  5.5  5.3
PS 10K  10,700  4.6  3.9
* Literature values calculated using the correlation   Rg = 0.0245•MW0.546

System & Conditions
Polystyrene (PS) standards below 100K
THF at 1.0 mL/min; T = 35 °C (pumps, column and RI)
Concentration = 1 - 3 mg/mL; injection volume = 50 µL

Angular dissymetry plot for PS 30K
